Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions


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  1. Freedom to Chains - Paul Harvey (1965)


    This is the manuscript from Paul Harvey’s famous 1965, Freedom to Chains, broadcast.

  2. Is LGBTQ Good for the USA (7-23)

    USA, Homosexuality

    Remember our past blessings; be shocked by our present sins; pray for many to repent and believe; ask the LORD for mercy!

  3. Woke (4-25)


    How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Headed? You should know - IMPORTANT for the USA!